

Quality Handmade Fan Eyelash extensions
The best thing about handmade fans is that your lash artist has full control to give you the best result to suit your lashes, eye shape and desired look. Every person you meet will have a different set of natural lashes – some will be thin and sparse, others will already be thick and full. Hand made fans will give you the tailored and best result to meet your needs.
Eyelash extensions is an art form. If we relate the classic lash technique to the volume technique, it’d be like comparing the quality of a Kmart handbag to designer Prada or Versace handbags. Okay, we’ll admit that may be a bit dramatic. However, anyone who has learned volume lashing can agree that there is much more that goes into it than the classic technique. With Classic lashing, there are a few steps. You first isolate the natural lash, pick up the classic extension, dip it in your adhesive, and place onto the natural lash. It sounds much easier than it actually is- isolating is the trickiest part to learn as a new artist, trust us.
Creating a symmetrical, beautiful fan takes months (sometimes years) of practice, tons of patience, and skill. Many lash artists have shed tears of frustration when learning volume- and we aren’t kidding! Oftentimes when something is complicated, there will be companies offering a “short cut”- such as a product that bypasses all the hard work and time spent practicing altogether. Cue the ongoing lash artist debate – are handmade or pre-made volume fans better?
Handmade, also known as “pro-made” fans are created by the lash artist without the use of machinery. These are often made in real time during the appointment. Handmade fans are created by removing a few extensions from the strip, they are then fanned using the artist’s preferred method, dipped into the adhesive, and placed on the client’s lash creating a secure bond on the natural lash. To pro-make fans, you repeat the same process, and instead of placing the fan on the natural lash, the adhesive is rapidly cured and stored for later use.
Pre-made fans, just as the name implies, are created by the manufacturer and delivered to the artist ready to be dipped and placed on a client’s lash. The process for creating pre-made fans is similar to that of strip lashes. A person is involved, but they are completely assisted by machines. Pre-made volume fans are then either bonded at the base by a tiny amount of adhesive, or are heat-bonded. The finished product comes inside a tray, on a sticky strip.
Like fingerprints or hearts, no two natural lash lines are the same. Some clients have fine lashes so sparse you could count them, while others have lush lash lines that go on forever. Then, you must consider that each client’s individual natural lashes are all at their own stages of growth. With this in mind, you must carefully calculate the extension diameter, length, and weight before applying the fan to each lash. You want full control in creating your fans to balance the weight of the extensions on the natural lash, while still achieving the ideal look of the full set. While it’s not the easy way out, hand making volume fans is the ultimate tool in customizing each set for each person.
In contrast, pre- made fans offer little to no flexibility to allow for customization. They cannot adapt to individual lash textures, lengths, or strengths. Additionally, the artist doesn’t have control over the amount of adhesive already on the fan like they do in creating their own. This means that even more weight will be added once the volume fan is dipped in adhesive a second time. With pre-made fans, it is also impossible to achieve the “wrap” of the adhesive and the bases of each extension around the natural lash. Because of this, retention could be affected and may not be as good as making and placing your fans in real time during the service.
Purchasing pre-made lashes can saves the beauty technician time and energy, which you can spend booking more clients or growing the business. Saves the business time and does not maximize the customers result. We highly recommend hand made fans. It’s important to remember that it’s about quality, not quantity. Handmade fans normally last longer than pre-made. Handmade fans allow more control of the lashing process from start to finish, giving your lash artist, complete customization abilities.
In Summary, hand made fans are offer superior quality and longer lasting eyelash extensions. I also allows your lash artist a tailored and customized technique to meet each your unique eyes and best results. Coco Lash & Beauty use superior quality handmade fan techniques to guarantee satisfying results. Book today!

Coco Lash & Beauty 2022, Eslashes 2022, Lash Affair 2022
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